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A round trip through Ecuador means a trip through the country of the enormous diversity of landscapes and cultures. Ecuador is the hidden gem of South America. Explore the colorful markets and authentic mountain villages and spot wildlife in the Amazon rainforest. Learn more about the indigenous communities and local traditions. In addition, discover the volcanoes with snow-covered peaks, relax in hot springs and stroll through colonial towns. End your trip through Ecuador in the Galapagos Islands, one of the most unique travel destinations in the world. In short, a journey full of variety and diversity!

Why go on a round trip through Ecuador?

Groene Vink Colonial cities
Groene Vink Snowy volcano peaks
Groene Vink Wildlife in the Amazon rainforest
Groene Vink Indigenous peoples & colorful markets
Groene Vink Unique flora & fauna in the Galapagos Islands

Photo impression of our round trips through Ecuador

What makes travelling through Ecuador unique?

Groene Vink Authentic & pristine
Groene Vink Snowy volcano peaks
Groene Vink Diversity of natural areas
Groene Vink Highest located capital in the world
Groene Vink Get to know the indigenous population
Groene Vink Endemic animal species on the Galapagos Islands

Areas in our round trips through Ecuador

Ecuador is located in the west of South America and is adjacent to Colombia and Peru. Ecuador has a diversity of natural areas and landscapes. On the one hand you will find the world famous Galapagos Islands, colonial cities and snow-capped volcanoes. On the other hand, the Amazon rainforest, indigenous communities and fairy-tale cloud forests. In short, a unique and varied travel destination. Below you will find an explanation of a number of areas that you can discover during a trip through Ecuador.

Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are the reason for many travellers to make a trip through Ecuador. The archipelago is located 1,000 kilometers off the coast of Ecuador, approximately at the height of the equator. The archipelago consists of about 13 main islands and many more small islands and rock formations. Only a few islands are inhabited. The islands are of volcanic origin and are created by eruptions of underwater volcanoes. Volcano Wolf (1,707 meters) is located on the island of Isabela. The islands of Santa Cruz, San Cristóbal Isabela and Floreana are inhabited. The Galapagos Islands are also home to many unique animal and plant species. Spotting, for example, giant tortoises, sea lions, blue-footed birds, penguins, flamingos and iguanas are just a few highlights. It is a national park and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Cruising or island hopping?

There are several ways to discover the Galapagos Islands. This can be done by island hopping, where you stay on different islands and undertake activities from there. It is also possible to discover the islands with a luxurious cruise. You will discover various islands that you cannot reach during island hopping. Of course Unico Travel can explain much more about this, so feel free to contact us!

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon Rainforest is located in the easternmost part of Ecuador. The rainforest covers about half of the country and is also the least populated part of Ecuador. There are many options for including the Amazon rainforest in your Ecuador trip. Unico Travel organizes trips to three reserves, namely the National Park Yasuní, Cuyabeno and the Amazon in the vicinity of Tena.

Chimborazo volcano

The Chimborazo is a snow-covered volcano. For the indigenous people of Ecuador, the volcano is sacred. It is believed that nowhere else on Earth is there such a place where you can get so close to the sun and stars. In addition, the volcano is also depicted on the flag of Ecuador. The Chimborazo volcano (measured from the core of the earth) also has the world’s highest peak, namely 6,263 meters.


The colorful city of Otavalo is located in the province of Imbabura, just two hours north of the capital Quito. Anyone traveling through this province will become acquainted with the traditional crafts. You will also see a diversity of landscapes such as lakes, waterfalls and volcanoes. Otavalo is located at an altitude of 2,500 meters and next to the largest lake in Ecuador: San Pablo. The indigenous people have also managed to preserve their own culture and identity and are known for their woven textiles. Many items are also sold in the ‘Plaza del Ponchos’ throughout the week, but the main market takes place on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The surroundings of Otavalo are very beautiful. Unico Travel is happy to tell you more about what you can do in Otavalo during your trip through Ecuador.

El Ángel Ecological Reserve

El Ángel Ecological Reserve is one of the most unique natural areas to visit during your trip. The area is located in the province of Carchi, located in the north of the country and close to the Colombian border. The ecological reserve is known for its mysterious landscapes, which mainly consist of moors and special plant species, such as the magical Frailejones. It is also very nice to visit the Polylepsis forest. In this forest you will see paper trees, the highest-growing flowering trees in the world.

Quito and the surrounding area

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is located at 2,850 meters above sea level. The main attraction of the city is the historic center, which is also on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Discover the beautiful colonial buildings, atmospheric squares and ancient churches. Also visit the impressive Basilica Church, Plaza de la Indepencia and La Compañia Church, whose interior is covered in gold. For a beautiful view of the city, take a taxi to for example Panecillo Hill or the cable car all the way to the Pichincha volcano (4,050 meters). From here you can also see the whole city and on a clear day the surrounding volcanoes, such as the famous Cotopaxi.

If you are staying in the capital Quito, Unico Travel recommends that you definitely visit the Middle of the World Monument, located on the equator. This monument is only an hour’s drive from the center of Quito.


Baños is a small mountain village in the Andes. The village is known for its thermal waters and adventurous activities. It is possible, for example, to undertake activities such as ziplining, mountain biking, rafting and abseiling. One of the highlights is ‘La Casa del Arbol’, a small tree house on the edge of a mountain top. A swing hangs under this tree house. From here you have a magnificent view of Baños and also the Tungurahua volcano. In addition, Baños is also known for its many waterfalls. Discover, for example, the beautiful waterfall Pailón del Diablo. It is also possible to zipline and to walk over a large suspension bridge. Then, after an adventurous activity, relax in one of the many spas.

Cuenca and surroundings

Cuenca is also called the cultural capital of Ecuador. The city has a beautiful architecture and many colonial buildings. There is a mild climate and there are many attractive squares with cafes and restaurants. Also, Cuenca is located high in the Andes, making it the ideal base to explore the southern parts of Ecuador. Discover, for example, the special National Park Cajas or the Ingapirca Inca ruins. There are several towns and villages around Cuenca that are known for their textiles and jewelry.

Why travel through Ecuador with Unico Travel?

We are happy to put together your dream trip. At Unico Travel you always stay in unique places and in luxurious, atmospheric and small-scale accommodations. Before you receive a tailor-made trip from us, we like to speak to each other personally. We then know exactly which places and accommodations suit you the best. Are you interested in a trip to Ecuador? Please contact us. We are happy to put together the perfect trip for you, so that all you have to do is enjoy!

Extra information and tips about our round trips through Ecuador

Ecuador is about seven times the size of the Netherlands. But the travel distances are not that bad. You may be in the car for five hours during your trip through Ecuador, but this is an exception. You often travel an average of two to three hours a day. During almost all our trips through Ecuador you travel with a private driver. Several stops will be made along the way to bridge the distance. You will also always stay in one place for several nights at Unico Travel, so that you do not have to travel all the time.
Ecuador is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts. In the Amazon rainforest you have the chance to spot for example anacondas, monkeys, crocodiles, toucans, sloths, pink dolphins, macaws and tapirs. You can also spot llamas, vicuñas and alpacas in many parts of the country. On the Galapagos Islands you will spot animals that you will not see anywhere else in the world such as the Galapagos tortoise, three species of iguanas, the Galapagos penguin and the Galapagos sea lion. You can also spot blue-footed boobies, flamingos and pelicans here. Underwater you can swim alongside dolphins, turtles and sharks. Isla de la Plata, also known as the small Galapagos, is located on the coast of Ecuador. Here you will also have the chance to see humpback whales, blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, dolphins and turtles. In Mindo's cloud forest, you can see more than 450 species of birds, including several species of hummingbirds. You can also spot the spectacled bear, the mountain tapir and the Andean condor in other parts of the country. Would you like to make a trip through Ecuador focused on spotting wildlife? Contact us!
KLM flies directly from Amsterdam to Quito and from Guayaquil back to Amsterdam. The flight time is approximately 12 hours. This is the most comfortable flight. There are also direct flights from Europe from Barcelona and Madrid. It is also possible to fly via the United States, but then it will take you considerably longer.
Personal and travel-related vaccinations depend, among other things, on the nature and duration of the trip and your health situation. To travel to Ecuador, the following vaccinations are recommended: DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Hepatitis A. Contact the Area Health Authority in your place of residence well before departure. The Area Health Authority is aware of the latest developments regarding precautions for the country or area of destination. More information can be found on the website of the Area Health Authority.
It is difficult to indicate one best time to travel for Ecuador. In principle it is possible to make a round trip through Ecuador throughout the year through the different climate areas. Due to the dry season in the mountains, the months of June to October are seen as the best months. However, the climate differs per region and Ecuador can be divided into three parts: the Andes Mountains (Sierra), the coast (Costa) and the Amazon region. That's why there isn't one best season.
Of course it is possible to combine your tour through Ecuador with a tour through Colombia. There are various possibilities. Contact us.