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Be inspired and make a round trip through Guatemala, completely custom made.

A trip through Guatemala means a journey through a country full of culture and nature. Discover the fascinating secrets of the Maya and the historical cities.

In addition, get to know the colorful population groups and authentic villages.Experience untouched nature with vast lakes, mystical cloud forests, active volcanoes and tropical rainforests. Also climb a volcano, go on a tour to the Mayan city of El Mirador and finally spend the night in the most unique places. Discover the most authentic country in Latin America!

Why go on a round trip through Guatemala?

Groene Vink Unique culture
Groene Vink Active volcanoes
Groene Vink Colorful markets
Groene Vink Vast lakes
Groene Vink Authentic villages
Groene Vink Classic Mayan cities
Groene Vink Pristine rainforests

Photo impression of our round trips through Guatemala

What makes a trip through Guatemala unique?

Groene Vink Immense lake, Lake Atitlán
Groene Vink Impresssive Mayan history
Groene Vink 33 volcanoes (climbs possible)
Groene Vink Diverse cultures (Maya, Garifuna, Mestizo, Ixil)
Groene Vink Great biodiversity, varied landscapes

Areas in our round trips through Guatemala

Guatemala has an age-old culture with colonial cities, authentic villages, colorful populations and Mayan cities. The country also has an untouched nature with extensive lakes and active volcanoes. It is possible to spot countless bird species in the mist and rainforests. Below is an explanation of a number of areas that you can discover during our trips through Guatemala.


In the first place, Antigua is often the starting point of any round trip to Guatemala. This city is only a 45 minute drive from the capital Guatemala City. Antigua is a colorful and colonial city with many attractions. First, stroll through the cobbled streets past the atmospheric squares, colorful buildings, Baroque churches and ancient ruins. Also check out Antigua’s most photographed landmark, the Arco de Santa Catalina. In addition, enjoy the view of the city and the nearby Agua volcano from the Cerro de la Cruz. Finally, climb the volcanoes Pacaya and Acatenango and visit the local (souvenir) market. At last, take a tour of a local coffee plantation.

Lake Atitlan

Lake Atitlán is one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. The crater lake is located at an altitude of about 1,500 meters and is surrounded by active volcanoes and small villages. It is recommended to take a boat trip on the lake with a local guide and visit the surrounding villages. Here you will learn more about the cultures and traditions of each village and its population. Every village is known for something, such as art, coffee or weaving. It is also great fun to do an activity in nature, such as kayaking on the lake, horseback riding on the hills or climbing a volcano. In short, Lake Atitlán is one of the most beautiful places during your trip through Guatemala.


The village of Chichicastenango is known for the largest market in Central America. Chichicastenango, also known as ‘Chichi’ for short, is an important trading and meeting place for the Maya. You will find the weekly market that takes place every Sunday and Thursday. Take a look at the Santo Tomas church where you can see the merchants displaying their offerings, incense being burned and food being offered to the Mayan god of the earth. In addition, it is the ideal place to buy souvenirs! During our trips through Guatemala you often visit the village on the route from Antigua to Lake Atitlán (or vice versa of course).


Tikal is a Mayan city in northern Guatemala. It used to be one of the largest Mayan cities in the world. It is special that the entire city is hidden in the pristine rainforest. In addition to the many ruins and temples, you can often see howler monkeys swinging through the trees and coatis walking on the paths. Many ruins tower above the rainforest. Tikal should certainly not be missed during a tour through Guatemala.

Tip! Book a tour that takes you to the park at sunrise, before the crowds. Enjoy sounds of the rainforest from one of the tallest temples in the park.

Semuc Champey

Semuc Champey is a nature reserve in the green valley of Alta Verapaz. The reserve is one of the most beautiful natural places in Guatemala. The nature reserve is known for its azure blue pools. The pools flow down and merge into each other. The water flows into the Cahabón River. At the waterholes you can swim and enjoy nature. From the viewpoint you also have a beautiful view.

Rio Dulce/Livingston

Do you want to experience the Caribbean atmosphere of Guatemala? Then discover the surroundings of Río Dulce and the Caribbean village of Livingston during your trip through Guatemala. Sail across the river and enjoy the untouched nature. Livingston can only be reached by boat. Get to know the Garifuna population and the local culture here.

You can also hike to the waterfalls and relax at Playa Blanca. In short, the Garifuna population, the music, cuisine and culture make the village definitely worth a visit.

Other areas in our round trips through Guatemala

Of course Guatemala has a lot more to offer. This is what makes an trip through Guatemala so varied and special. Curious about special and unique places? Of course we visited all the places ourselves and we have good local contacts. Unico Travel is happy to advise which areas and accommodations are the best to stay in. Please contact us.

Reasons to take a tour of Guatemala

1. Colonial Antigua

Antigua is the ideal place to start your trip in Guatemala. The city is only a short distance from the capital Guatemala City. Stroll the cobbled streets past the colorful houses, churches, ruins and parks. Discover the local markets and have dinner in one of the many atmospheric restaurants. In addition, Antigua is the ideal base for excursions in the area. For example, from Antigua you can visit a beautiful bird area and climb volcanoes, but also visit indigenous villages and much more.

2. Unique natural phenomena

A unique natural phenomenon in Guatemala is, for example, Semuc Champey, one of the most beautiful natural areas of Guatemala. During our trips in Guatemala, you will discover the turquoise waterholes, located in the middle of the pristine rainforest. Also walk to the viewpoint and enjoy a magnificent view. You can also swim in caves.

3. Lake Atitlan

One of the most beautiful places during your trip through Guatemala is Lake Atitlán. The lake is surrounded by volcanoes and indigenous villages. Each village has its own traditions and customs. During a trip by Unico Travel, you first take a boat tour over the vast lake with panoramic views. Then, together with a private guide, you will discover the surrounding villages, such as San Juan La Laguna, San Marcos and Santiago. You spend the night in a luxurious hotel near the village of Panajachel. Also take a kayak trip and enjoy the view of the volcanoes. In addition, learn more about the culture of Guatemala in the surrounding villages and get to know the locals.

4. Climbing volcanoes

Guatemala has 37 volcanoes, some of which are still active. You can climb a number of volcanoes such as Acatenango, Santa Maria, Pacaya, San Pedro and Chicabal. The most accessible volcano to climb is the Pacaya volcano. Unico Travel can arrange a guide for you to climb this volcano with. In short, a unique experience!

5. Guatemalan cuisine

Discover the local cuisine during our trips through Guatemala. The food in Guatemala mainly consists of corn and beans. Breakfast often consists of tortillas, fried banana and eggs. Then, during lunch, people often eat rice/potatoes and meat or chicken and some vegetables. Dinner is pretty much the same. It is mainly the snacks that are very tasty. For example, you can buy small snacks such as hot corn on the cob, tacos and tamales (stuffed corn snacks in corn sheets) at markets and stalls.

With Unico Travel on a round trip to Guatemala

We are happy to put together your dream trip. At Unico Travel you always spend the night in unique places and in atmospheric and small-scale hotels. Before you receive a tailor-made trip from us, we like to talk to each other personally. We then know exactly which places and accommodations suit you. Are you interested in a trip to Guatemala? Contact us!

Extra information and tips about our trips through Guatemala

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights available from Amsterdam to Guatemala yet. The most comfortable flight is with KLM and Copa Airlines via Panama City or with Aeromexico via Mexico City. Other flights are via a stopover in, for example, via Houston or Los Angeles.
To travel to Guatemala, the following vaccinations are recommended: DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Hepatitis A. Contact the Area Health Authority in your place of residence well before departure. The Area Health Authority is aware of the latest developments regarding precautions for the country or area. More information can be found on the website of the Area Health Authority.
Guatemala is one of the most authentic countries in Latin America. The country is known for its many volcanoes, colorful cities, Mayan culture, pristine rainforests and lakes.
During all our trips through Guatemala you will discover Antigua, one of the nicest and most colorful places in the country. This colonial city used to be the capital when the country was still a Spanish colony. Walk through the colorful streets along the many churches, ruins, cathedrals, parks and markets.
During our trips through Guatemala you mainly travel by private transfer, with small shuttle buses or by domestic flight. This is of course entirely dependent on your wishes. The advantage of a private driver is that you can make stops along the way. A driver also tells a lot about the country.
Of course you can also combine your trip through Guatemala with, for example, a trip through Mexico or a trip through Belize. You can also easily travel to Belize from Tikal. Another option is to travel from Guatemala to El Salvador. A lot is possible.