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Be inspired and make a round trip through Peru, completely custom made.

Peru is very diverse and has a lot to offer. What makes a trip through Peru so unique is that the country consists of three different landscapes. This includes the dry coastal areas, the high Andes mountains and the tropical Amazon rainforests. Peru also has a rich culture and history that is much to learn and discover. Experience unique places such as Machu Picchu, the highest navigable lake in the world Titicaca, the Amazon rainforests and the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. Also visit the colonial cities and discover the history of Cusco and the Sacred Valley. Stroll through the colorful neighborhoods of Lima and enjoy this gastronomic capital.

Why go on a round trip through Peru?

Groene Vink Rich culture and history
Groene Vink Colonial towns, villages and ruins
Groene Vink From desert and Andes to the Amazon
Groene Vink Discover the lost Inca city of Machu Picchu
Groene Vink Experience the tropical Amazon rainforest

Photo impression of our trips through Peru

What makes a round trip through Peru unique?

Groene Vink  Hospitality
Groene Vink Huge biodiversity
Groene Vink  Wonder of the world Machu Picchu
Groene Vink  Ancient traditions and way of life of the population
Groene Vink  Lima, the culinary capital of Latin America

Areas in our trips through Peru

Peru is a country with a rich culture and an impressive history. The country borders Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. Peru has an enormous diversity of nature reserves, including desert areas with high sand dunes, the impressive Andes mountains and the pristine Amazon rainforest. Moreover, Peru is known as the best culinary destination in the world.

There is another reason why Unico Travel advises you to take a trip through Peru. The Peruvian population is hospitable and many Peruvians still live in a traditional way. In short, a country where your expectations will be exceeded. Below is an explanation of a number of areas that you can discover during a trip through Peru.


Machu Picchu

One of the highlights of a Peru tour is a visit to Machu Picchu, also Peru’s most famous landmark. This ruined city of the Incas is also called the lost city. Machu Picchu can be reached via the town of Aguas Calientes. What makes this place so special is that it was never discovered by the Spaniards, so the ruins are well preserved. Much of the Inca civilization can still be found. Machu Picchu has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1983 and is one of the seven modern wonders of the world.


Cusco used to be the capital of the Incas and therefore has an ancient history. The city is about 3,400 meters above sea level and is therefore also called ‘the navel of the world’. Cusco is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is the ideal place to acclimatize and get used to the altitude before visiting the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. The historic centre of Cusco has unique architecture and is a mix of the architectural style of the Incas and the Spaniards. From Cusco you can also visit Lake Humantay or Rainbow Mountain.

Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley is located in the Andes Mountains near Cusco. The capital of this valley is Urubamba which runs parallel to the river of the same name. The climatic conditions here were ideal for agriculture and therefore this valley was very important for the Incas. Besides the famous Machu Picchu, there are many other important archaeological sites to visit in the Sacred Valley. In addition to all the ruins, villages and cities, you can also enjoy the beautiful views here during your trip through Peru.

Puno and Lake Titicaca

The city of Puno is located on Lake Titicaca and should certainly not be missed in your trip through Peru. From the port of Puno you can take a boat to the various islands on the lake. Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America. In addition, the lake is located at 3,800 meters above sea level, making Lake Titicaca the highest navigable lake in the world. The lake is partly in Peru and partly in Bolivia. There are 41 islands in the lake, such as Amantaní, Taquile and the Uros Islands. The Uros Islands are made of reeds and float on the lake. In addition, the island of Taquile is known for the handmade Taquileňo textiles.


Arequipa is located in southern Peru and is the second largest city after Lima. This colonial city is located at an altitude of 2,325 meters above sea level. Surrounding Arequipa are the volcanoes Misti, Chachani and Pichu Pichu. Arequipa is also called “the white city”, because most of the buildings are made of white lava rock from the Misti volcano. Another nickname of Arequipa is “the city of eternal spring” because of its temperate Andean climate. Discover the beautiful colonial center of Arequipa, which is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Colca Canyon

The Colca Canyon is about a three hour drive from Arequipa. This gorge reaches a depth of up to 3,500 meters. This makes the Colca Canyon twice as deep as the American Grand Canyon. The gorge is extra special because it is the habitat of the majestic Andean condor. These birds are easy to spot from the Cruz del Condor viewpoint. In the valley are several villages where the local population still lives according to old traditions. This place is one of the most beautiful places of your trip through Peru.

Ica and Huacachina

Ica is a city in southern Peru, surrounded by desert. The area around Ica is known for grape cultivation. Despite Ica being in a dry area, grape cultivation is possible due to special irrigation systems. The oasis Huacachina is less than half an hour’s drive from Ica. This oasis is surrounded by desert dunes that are up to 100 meters high. Popular excursions include sandboarding and buggy tours. With a buggy tour you can drive up to 100 kilometres per hour over these dunes.


Nazca is known for the mysterious Nazca Lines, also known as geoglyphs. These are large figure drawings in the sand that have been well preserved over the centuries. This is because it is almost always windless at Nazca and it almost never rains. As a result, all lines are still very clearly visible. There are up to 100 different geoglyphs. It is still a mystery exactly how these lines came to be. The best way to see these lines is from an airplane. In addition, there is also an option to view some lines from a lookout tower during your trip through Peru.

Paracas and Ballestas Islands

Paracas is a place in a desert area on the coast south of the capital Lima. The place has an important nature reserve called Reserva Nacional de Paracas where many bird species can be spotted. Off the coast of Paracas are the Ballestas Islands, which you can sail along by boat. On and around these islands you can see an enormous amount of wildlife, such as pelicans, flamingos, cormorants, penguins and many sea lions.


In Peru, there are several areas in the Amazon that you can visit, including Manu, Tambopata, and Iquitos. These destinations all have their own unique flora and fauna. The Amazon has enormous biodiversity. There is the possibility to spot caimans, macaws, monkeys and even jaguars. Unico Travel recommends visiting these beautiful rainforests during your trip through of Peru.


Lima is the culinary capital of Latin America and is located on the Pacific Ocean. This city has more than ten million inhabitants. There is much to discover in Lima. Think of walking along the historic squares, churches, monasteries, gardens, colorful neighborhoods and fantastic restaurants. Get to know popular Peruvian dishes such as ceviche and lomo saltado and enjoy the local cocktail, the Pisco sour. It is nice to end your Peru trip with a culinary trip through Lima.

Travelling through Peru with Unico Travel?

We are happy to put together your dream trip. At Unico Travel you always stay in unique places and in luxurious, atmospheric and small-scale accommodations. Before you receive a tailor-made trip from us, we like to speak to each other personally. We then know exactly which places and accommodations suit you. Are you interested in a trip to Peru? Please contact us or view our trips to Peru. We are happy to put together the perfect trip for you, so that all you have to do is enjoy!