El Salvador

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Be inspired and make a round trip through El Salvador, completely custom made.

A round trip to El Salvador means a trip full of adventure and authenticity. This still relatively unknown country lies between Guatemala and Honduras. El Salvador is known for its rugged nature, colonial villages and impressive history. For example, discover the volcanic sandy beaches, impressive history and pristine rainforests, meet the friendly Salvadorans and experience the surfing culture. Our trips to El Salvador will let you get to know the real El Salvador.

Why go on a round trip through El Salvador?

Groene Vink Active volcanoes
Groene Vink Colonial villages
Groene Vink Amazing surf spots
Groene Vink Classis Mayan ruins
Groene Vink Brightly colored crater lakes
Groene Vink Impressive history

Photo impression of our round trips through El Salvador

What makes travelling through El Salvador unique?

Groene Vink Not touristy
Groene Vink Colonial villages
Groene Vink Amazing surf spots
Groene Vink Impressive history
Groene Vink Authentic and unspoilt

Areas in our round trips through El Salvador

El Salvador has a diversity of natural areas. Our trips to El Salvador take you along volcanic sandy beaches, tropical rainforests, active volcanoes and brightly colored crater lakes. In addition, walk through the authentic villages and experience the history of the ancient Mayan ruins. Every trip to El Salvador is different.

San Salvador

San Salvador is the largest city and also the capital of El Salvador. In the city, discover the brightly colored buildings, the National Palace, the National Theater and the Cathedral. Also experience the history in one of the many museums, the art in the artistic galleries and the local life in the markets. The most beautiful square of San Salvador is Parque Libertad, where you can still taste the colonial atmosphere. From San Salvador you can also easily visit the National Park El Boqueron with two volcanic craters. In most trips to El Salvador you start in the capital.


Ataco is a colonial village on the Flower Route. Characteristic of the village are the brightly colored murals, the local markets, colonial houses and atmospheric restaurants. Mingle with the locals and visit the markets and weaving mills. From Ataco it is also possible to go ziplining or to drive to the nearby lakes by buggy. It is also nice to visit the villages of Juayua and Nahuizalco from Ataco. Juayua has a colonial church and gastronomic festivals are often organized in the village. In Nahuizalco, the locals often still wear traditional costumes. Almost every trip to El Salvador takes you to Ataco.


Suchitoto is also called the cultural capital of El Salvador. It is possible to walk through the cobbled streets past colorful houses, churches, museums, art galleries and atmospheric squares. Also discover the waterfalls and caves in the area. In addition, take a boat trip on Lake Suchitlán and spot various bird species. During our trips to El Salvador it is also possible to go horseback riding and kayaking in the area.

Bahia de Jiquilisco

Discover Bahía de Jiquilisco in our trips to El Salvador. This mangrove area consists of several channels through which you can sail by boat or kayak. Many different bird species live in the area, but also crabs, turtles and many types of fish. You can also take a tour to the largest cocoa plantation in Central America. Between August and January, you also have the chance to release baby turtles at night on Mendez Island.

Santa Ana

Santa Ana is the second largest city in El Salvador after San Salvador. In the city you will find many historic buildings such as the National Theater and the cathedral. In addition, in our trips to El Salvador it is also possible to climb the volcano of the same name from Santa Ana or, for example, relax at Lake Coatepeque.

El Cuco/La Libertad

End your trip through El Salvador at one of the many tropical beaches, for example. In El Salvador has mainly black volcanic beaches. End your trip in, for example, El Cuco or La Libertad. El Salvador is also one of the best countries in the world for surfing. Surfers from all over the world travel to El Salvador every year. Many surfing competitions take place there.

Why travel through El Salvador with Unico Travel?

Are you looking for an authentic, unique and not yet touristic destination? Then definitely think of El Salvador! El Salvador is still a relatively unknown country, but wonderful to travel through. The country has volcanoes, colonial villages, beautiful nature reserves, volcanic beaches and many surf spots. A lot is possible and Unico Travel is therefore happy to put together a tailor-made trip for you, entirely according to your wishes. All you have to do is enjoy!

Extra information and tips about our round trips through El Salvador

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights available from Amsterdam yet. You can travel from Amsterdam to San Salvador with a stopover. A stopover is possible in, for example, Guatemala City, Toronto, Washington and Houston. Airlines that fly to El Salvador include Delta Airlines, Aeromexico and United Airlines. In addition, there are many more options. Contact us for advice about the flights.
To travel to El Salvador, the following vaccinations are recommended: DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Hepatitis A. Contact the Area Health Authority in your place of residence well before departure. The Area Health Authority is aware of the latest developments regarding precautionary measures for the country or area. More information can be found on the website of the Area Health Authority.
El Salvador doesn't exactly have a good reputation when it comes to safety. That is partly incorrect. The areas in the news are often about the areas where you as a tourist do not come. Unico Travel only offers travel to the safe and responsible areas and of course avoids the unsafe areas in El Salvador. In addition, Unico Travel works together with a Dutch travel agency that is always aware of the situation on site.
During our trips to El Salvador you always travel through the country with a private driver. The driver knows the country like no other and also knows the nice places to stop along the way. This is also the most comfortable and safe way to travel.
Unico Travel recommends that you allow at least two weeks for a trip to El Salvador. In addition, it is also possible to combine El Salvador with, for example, a trip to Nicaragua or a trip to Guatemala.
Of course you can also combine your trip to El Salvador with a visit to Nicaragua or Guatemala, for example. From El Salvador it is possible to sail from La Union to Potosí. It is also possible to cross the border into Guatemala just past Santa Ana.
El Salvador is one of the least visited destinations in Latin America. As a result, El Salvador is still very authentic and unspoilt. During our trips to El Salvador you will meet the hospitable and friendly people. Travel past authentic villages with colorful buildings, cobbled streets and traditional markets.
Many of our El Salvador trips take you along the Flower Route. The flower route is a beautiful route along small, colonial villages. Colorful flowers are often in bloom along the way. The route takes you along, for example, the village of Juayua. This place has a nice climate and has different stories and legends. In addition, a gastronomic festival takes place every weekend in front of the church. Nearby is also the waterfall Los Chorros. Another place along the Flower Route is Apaneca. The area also produces the best coffee in El Salvador. Visit here, for example, a coffee plantation, Laguna Verde, Laguna de Ninfa's and the archaeological site of Santa Leticia.
Besides walking through colonial villages, visiting local markets and discovering ancient Mayan remains, you can also enjoy sporting activities such as: climbing volcanoes, ziplining through the rainforest, driving a buggy along lagoons, surfing the Pacific coast and kayaking in Lago de Coatepeque.