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Be inspired and make a round trip through Honduras, completely custom made.

A round trip Honduras represents a journey to the land of unspoilt natural areas, authentic villages, indigenous communities and paradise islands. Few travellers travel to Honduras nowadays, a shame! Enjoy the idyllic islands on the Caribbean coast, explore the inland with a guide, continue adventurous activities and spot a lot of wildlife.

Why go on a round trip through Honduras?

Groene Vink Paradise islands
Groene Vink Enchanting underwater world
Groene Vink Pristine rainforests
Groene Vink Mystical cloud forests
Groene Vink Diverse wildlife

Photo impression of our round trips through Honduras

What makes travelling through Honduras unique?

Groene Vink Authentic villages
Groene Vink Pristine nature areas
Groene Vink Diving paradise Roátan & Utila
Groene Vink Swimming with whalesharks in Utila
Groene Vink Ancient Mayan Ruins

Areas in our round trips through Honduras

Honduras has a diversity of landscapes. On the one hand, on the Caribbean coast you will find paradise islands with a turquoise sea and pearly white beaches. In addition, the country also has pristine rainforests, authentic villages, fairy-tale cloud forests and ancient Mayan ruins. In short, a country full of possibilities. Below is an explanation of the areas that you can discover during a trip through Honduras.

Copán Ruinas

Copán is a Mayan city located in western Honduras and just across the border with Guatemala. The  ancient Mayan city Copán is very special due to the well preserved ruins. This makes it a special place for travellers as well as researchers and archaeologists. Because of the amazing details in the buildings, Copán is also called the ‘Paris of the Maya’. When you walk around here, you will also see the carved figures with beautiful details.

To this day there are still many mysteries, such as the meaning of the texts on the stones that are illegible to humans. Structures are still being discovered to this day. The Maya city can be reached from the nearby mountain village of Copán Ruinas. Characteristic here is the centre with colorful houses and atmospheric restaurants. Also nearby is the Macaw Mountain Bird Park, where colorful birds can be seen in their natural environment.


About fifty kilometres off the coast are the Bay Islands. Characteristic are the paradisiacal beaches, the turquoise sea and the beautiful underwater world. The islands are also known as ‘the Maldives of Honduras’. Roatan is the largest island and can be reached by boat or plane, where you have a magnificent view over the islands and turquoise sea. Roatan consists of pearly white beaches on a turquoise sea and with a green nature. It is fun to paddle board and to explore the mangroves by kayak.

Roátan also has a tropical rainforest, where you can, for example, zipline from treetop to treetop. Located on the edge of the second largest barrier reef in the world (Belize Barrier Reef), Roatan is known as one of Honduras’ premier diving destinations. Discover the colorful coral reefs with beautiful fish species, turtles, dolphins, sharks and rays. A beautiful place during your trip through Honduras.


Utila is the smallest of the Bay Islands. Like Roátan, the island is located on the edge of the second largest barrier reef in the world (Belize Barrier Reef) and is therefore one of the most important diving destinations in Honduras. Discover the colorful coral reefs with beautiful fish species, turtles, dolphins, sharks and rays. Furthermore, Utila is one of the few places in the world where it is possible to swim with whale sharks all year round.

Characteristic of Utila is the relaxed atmosphere. It is a pleasant place to stay with the many restaurants that serve fresh fish dishes. Explore the island by golf cart or bicycle and discover the most beautiful tropical beaches and a freshwater cave. In addition, climb the highest point on the island, called Pumpkin Hill, for a magnificent view of Utila. Finally, discover the paradisiacal and photogenic Utila Cays, small islands southwest of Utila, by kayak.


The island of Guanaja, like Roatan and Utila, belongs to the Bay Islands. It is the most remote island and there are no roads. Guanaja is also called ‘the Venice of Honduras’, because the inhabitants move mainly by boat on the canals. The island has been declared a national reserve and is rich in pine forests. In addition, Guanaja is the only island with a waterfall. Divers, snorkelers and fishermen can make their dreams come true here. The underwater world is also really beautiful. Guanaja is one of the best places for fly fishing on the Caribbean coast.

Cayos Cochinos

Cayos Cochinos is een verzameling van kleine eilanden in het zuidwesten van Utila. Slechts twee eilanden zijn toegankelijk (Cayo Menor en Cayo Grande). Bovendien zijn de eilanden alleen per boot te bereiken. Het uitgestrekte koraalrif is een unieke plek om te duiken of te snorkelen. Het is namelijk een beschermd natuurgebied en een waar paradijs. Op het hoofdeiland betaalt u entreegelden, waarmee u bijdraagt aan de bescherming van de eilanden.

De eilanden bestaan namelijk voor een groot deel uit tropisch regenwoud waar bijzondere dieren leven, waaronder de endemische pink boa. Dit is een zeldzame slang die alleen in Honduras voorkomt. Verder heeft u de kans om onder andere dolfijnen, zeeschildpadden, leguanen en pelikanen te spotten. Ook is het een aanrader om een wandeling te maken naar de vuurtoren, waar u wordt beloond met een schitterend uitzicht op de nabijgelegen eilanden.

Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve

The Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve is located in northeastern Honduras, on the watershed of the Río Plátano (Banana River). It is the largest rainforest north of the Amazon and therefore declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The area is still home to several indigenous communities, each with their own culture, language and traditions. Discover the different species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians in the nature reserve. In addition, endangered species such as manatees, macaws, vultures, jaguars, pumas and giant anteaters also live here. In short, a unique place to visit with a local guide during your tour through Honduras.

Lago de Yojoa

Lago de Yojoa is the largest lake in Honduras and was created after a volcanic eruption and is a protected nature reserve. The combination of the lake surrounded by the mountains and the rainforest makes for breath-taking views. Close to the lake is the National Park Santa Barbara where you can climb the highest mountain (2,744 meters) and spot the rare bird the quetzal. The Cerro Azul Meámbar National Park is also located on the lake, where you can take beautiful walks through the rainforest and past waterfalls.

During a visit to the lake and the surrounding area you will find yourself in an oasis of peace, because you are far from civilization here. It is possible to discover more than 400 bird species (including many water birds) in the beautiful nature and see how the locals fish on the lake.

Jeannette Kawas National Park (Punta Sal)

West of Tela is the Jeannette Kawas National Park, formerly known as Punta Sal. The park is divided into two areas. The peninsula, that can only be reached by sea. Here you will find beautiful beaches, an impressive underwater world and tropical rainforests. During the boat trip you have the chance to spot dolphins here. Second, you will find Los Micos Laguna. This lagoon is surrounded by mangroves and tropical plant and tree species and is known for its many bird species.

La Ceiba

The city of La Ceiba is located in the north of Honduras on the Caribbean Sea. La Ceiba has been named ‘Eco Tourism Capital of Honduras’ and ‘Entertainment Capital of Honduras’ due to its nearby beaches, vibrant nightlife and variety of parks in and around the city. In the city, discover the Butterfly and Insect Museum, which houses a collection of ten thousand species of moths, butterflies and other insects. On the outskirts of town is the Cuero & Salado Wildlife Refuge. This park was established with the aim of protecting endangered species such as the manatee, jaguar and howler monkey.

National Park La Tigra

A short distance from Tegucigalpa is the National Park La Tigra. The park includes a beautiful cloud forest at different heights. Discover a diversity of flora and fauna such as bromeliads, orchids and various native and migratory birds.

National Park Pico Bonito

In the vicinity of La Ceiba you will also find the National Park Pico Bonito. Due to the height differences, the park has several ecosystems. More than 400 bird species live here, but also animals such as jaguars, tapirs, pumas, capuchin monkeys and spider monkeys. Several trails run through the park that take you past crystal clear lakes, waterfalls and lookout points for stunning views.


In the north of Honduras and located on the Caribbean Sea is the city of Tela. The city is surrounded by white beaches on a clear blue sea. Walk along the boulevard past restaurants and souvenir shops, there is plenty to do in the area. Discover the Botanical Gardens of Lancetilla, located just a few kilometres from the city. In this garden you will find tropical plants and trees from all over the world. The fruit trees also attract different species of birds. The huge bamboo forests provide a mystical atmosphere. It is beautiful to walk through. In addition, east of Tela is the National Park Punta Izopo. The park consists of mangrove forests where many animals live such as monkeys, crocodiles, turtles and tropical birds.


Tegucigalpa is the largest city and also the capital of Honduras. The city is located in southern Honduras and is surrounded by pristine natural areas. Tegucigalpa used to be important for mining silver and gold. Tegucigalpa has a rich history. During a visit to the Museo Para la Identidad Nacional you will see several archaeological excavations.

In the historic city centre you will find a large market where you can buy everything such as fish, vegetables, fruit, clothing and toys. In the city you will also find a park where various Mayan ruins have been recreated, including the ruins of Copán. All in all, tourists and locals alike flock to the park to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Today, Tegucigalpa is often described as unsafe. Please contact us for advice about the current situation.

Would you like to know more about a trip through Honduras?

Of course, Honduras has much more to offer. Curious about special and unique places? Unico Travel is happy to advise which areas and accommodations are the best to stay in. Contact us.


Honduras is first and foremost one of the most authentic countries in Latin America. Travelers often visit the ruins of Copán and the islands of Utila and Roatan, but the inland is often skipped. As a result, the country is still untouched and authentic. The locals are very hospitable and are happy to show you the country during a trip through Honduras.

Paradise Islands

End your trip in Honduras on one of the paradise islands such as Utila or Roatan. These islands belong to the Bay Islands. Pearly white beaches and turquoise seas make up the islands. Also discover the underwater world with dolphins, turtles, rays, sharks and tropical fish.

Travelling through Honduras with Unico Travel?

Unico Travel is happy to put together your dream trip. During our trips through Honduras you always spend the night in unique places and in small-scale accommodations. Before you receive a tailor-made trip from us, we think it is important to speak to each other personally. We then know exactly which places and accommodations suit you. Are you interested in a trip to Honduras? Please contact us. We are happy to put together the perfect trip for you, so that you can enjoy carefree!