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Be inspired and make a round trip through Mexico, completely custom made.

A round trip through Mexico means travelling to colorful cities, authentic villages, pristine natural areas, Mayan ruins and finally tropical beaches. Discover the authentic states of Oaxaca and Chiapas, the real Mexico. Also learn to surf on the beaches of Puerto Escondido, follow a cooking workshop with a local family, cycle past local weaving mills and see the natural phenomenon Hierve el Agua. In addition, experience the ancient history of Monte Albán, soak up the atmosphere at a local market and cruise through the Cañón del Sumidero.

Why go on a round trip through Mexico?

Groene Vink Tropical beaches
Groene Vink Authentic villages
Groene Vink Mysterious cenotes
Groene Vink Ancient Mayan ruins
Groene Vink Pristine rainforests
Groene Vink Mexican cuisine (UNESCO)
Groene Vink Waterfalls and national parks

Photo impression of our round trips through Mexico

What makes travelling through Mexico unique?

Groene Vink Mexican cuisine
Groene Vink Paradise beaches
Groene Vink Indigenous communities
Groene Vink Authentic states Oaxaca & Chiapas
Groene Vink Special holidays, such as Día de los Muertos
Groene Vink Archeological cities of Maya & Zapotec

Areas of our trips through Mexico

Mexico has a variety of natural areas, cities and villages. Discover the ancient Mayan ruins, tropical rainforests, pearly white beaches, hidden cenotes and colorful villages. In short, a versatile destination with the ideal combination of nature, culture and tropical beaches. Here are a few areas that you can discover during our trips through Mexico.

Oaxaca de Juárez

One of the nicest cities of our trips through Mexico is Oaxaca de Juárez. This city is located in southwestern Mexico in the state of Oaxaca of the same name. The city is formed by colorful buildings, cathedrals, atmospheric squares and local markets. Oaxaca is primarily known as the culinary capital of Mexico. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Traditions and cultural features are well preserved here. In addition, discover the many art galleries and enjoy a drink in a zocalo (square).

Hierve el Agua

Hierve el Agua is a unique natural phenomenon in Oaxaca. It is a petrified waterfall with many water sources. From a distance it looks like the water is really flowing down, but that is not the case. It is really beautiful. You can also see the water bubbling in the pools and it is also possible to swim in two heated pools. Discover Hierve el Agua during our trips through Mexico.

Monte Albán

Almost every trip through Mexico takes you to Monte Albán. This used to be the capital of the Zapotecs and is considered the most important ancient city of the state of Oaxaca. The city is located at an altitude of 1,950 meters and from the ruins you also have a magnificent view over the valley, the mountains and the city.

Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido is known as one of the best places in the world to surf. Surfing competitions are therefore regularly held. Puerto Escondido also has wonderful beaches behind the mountains of Oaxaca. Enjoy the last days of your trip at the beach. It is also recommended to take a boat tour and go snorkeling. You have the chance to see whales, dolphins, stingrays and turtles. You can also release baby turtles there during turtle season.

Palenque and nearby waterfalls

Of all the Mayan cities in Latin America, Palenque is one of the most impressive. This ancient Mayan city is hidden in the pristine rainforest. It is estimated that only ten percent of the complex is visible and the rest is still hidden in the rainforest. One of the most important temples is the Temple of the Sun. Walk along the ruins and experience the history. Who knows, you might even spot toucans and howler monkeys!

On the way to Palenque it is also possible to visit the waterfalls of Agua Azul and Misol-Ha. The waterfall of Misol-Ha is 35 meters high and ends in a lake where you can swim. The waterfalls of Agua Azul are azure blue and flow into each other through several pools.

San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristóbal de las Casas is a colorful city in the state of Chiapas. There is a special atmosphere created by the many ancient local peoples who live in San Cristóbal with the Europeans who have settled in this city. The small but cozy center is formed by the many street musicians, shops and atmospheric restaurants. Around San Cristóbal de las Casas are also several villages where people still live in a traditional way. This can mainly be seen in the clothing, language and lifestyle. San Cristóbal is one of the nicest cities in your trip through Mexico.

Cañón del Sumidero

In addition to the culture, discover untouched nature during our trips through Mexico. The Sumidero Canyon is a kilometer-long gorge near the town of Chiapa de Corzo. By boat you will sail on the Grijalva River along thousand meter high rock walls. Enjoy the views of the untouched nature, the waterfalls and one of the largest dams in the country. Who knows, you might even spot crocodiles on the banks!

Travelling through Mexico with Unico Travel?

We are happy to put together your dream trip. At Unico Travel you always spend the night in unique places and in atmospheric and small-scale hotels. Before you receive a tailor-made trip from us, we like to talk to each other personally. We then know exactly which places and accommodations suit you. Are you interested in a trip to Mexico? Contact us!

Extra information and tips about our round trips through Mexico

During our trips through Mexico, you mainly travel with comfortable shuttle buses or with a private driver. The driver knows the country like no other and also knows the nice places to stop along the way. This is also the most comfortable and safe way to travel. In addition, on some routes it is also possible to travel by domestic flight.
The airlines KLM and Aero Mexico fly direct from Amsterdam to Mexico City. TUI Fly also flies directly to Cancun. The direct flight takes about 11 to 12 hours.
Unico Travel recommends that you allow at least two weeks for a trip to Mexico. A nice trip through Mexico for two weeks is, for example, our trip to Oaxaca.
Of course you can also combine our tours to Mexico with, for example, Belize and Guatemala.
To travel to Mexico, the following vaccinations are recommended: DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Hepatitis A. Contact the Area Health Authority in your place of residence well in advance of departure. The Area Health Authority is aware of the latest developments regarding precautions for the country or area. More information can be found on the website of the Area Health Authority.
Traditional and authentic Mexico can be found in the state of Oaxaca. This state is still relatively unknown among travellers, while there is a lot to see and you can get to know the real Mexico. It is also the state where the famous traditional Mexican recipes are still made.